Work packages

Explore our project work packages, each vital to our goals. Delve into tasks, timelines, and resources, showcasing our transparency and project management efficiency.

WP1 : Project Management and Coordination

Lead : Hereon

Ensure an effective implementation of the project, to deliver high-quality work standards and innovation actions, and to implement successful collaboration, to establish and maintain scientific excellence, to ensure the scientific objectives and impact of the project are achieved. 

The major activities comprise :

  • Day to day project management
  • Scientific coordination including quality assurance (KPI) and risk assessment (Critical Risks)
  • Ensure efficient innovation management
  • Clustering with EC, regional and international projects/program
  • Data Management Plan
  • Provide architecture design diagrams and guide the development of tools for data access

WP2 – New insight of high - resolution coastal obser vations

Lead : SOCIB

Improve pan-European innovative coastal observations in response to society and EU policy needs in the context of climate change.

Specific objectives of WP2 :

  • Improve the retrieval of required EOVs in coastal areas, to facilitate the data up take in four sectors (i.e., climate, operational services, ocean health and ecosystems and coastal change), linked with WP10-11
  • Design added-value products through data fusion
  • Boost the use of coastal observations for satellite Cal/Val purposes
  • Improve in situ coastal and river (WP4-5) data access, processing, tracking and traceability
  • Provide the first version of enhanced in situ and remote-sensing data to improve the ocean predictability through data assimilation and assessment (WP6-7) and for coastal services (WP8-9).

WP3 – Validation and implementation of high - resolution coastal observations

Lead : NERSC

assess the improvement of the pan-European innovative coastal observations designed in WP3.

Specific objectives of WP3 :

  • Assess the improvement of the retrieval of the EOVs in coastal areas, previously developed in WP2
  • Validate and prepare the development of the added-value product, previously designed in WP2
  • Boost the use of coastal observations for satellite Cal/Val purposes
  • Validate improvements in in situ coastal and river (WP4-5) data access, processing, tracking and traceability
  • Provide the final version of enhanced in situ and remote-sensing data to improve the ocean predictability through data assimilation and assessment (WP6-7) and for coastal services (WP8-9)
  • Adapt the data products based on user needs and feedback to improve data up take (link with WP10-11)

WP4 – Design of improved model interfaces in the Land - Ocean Continuum.

Lead : SMHI

Assess the current state of land-ocean model interfaces and to advance high-quality freshwater inputs to better support coastal modelling effort.

Specific objectives of WP4 :

  • Building on the existing European hydrological and riverine transport model set-upE-HYPE (v4), calibrate river flows and associated riverine matter transports, specifically targeting European coastal basins
  • Create a reference data set of modelled freshwater inputs for a multi-year historical period
  • Extend the reference data set with European LISFLOOD results
  • Design improvements in estuary mixing processes, as a centralpart in land-ocean model interfaces, with the estuary mixing model EBM, both through improved calibration approaches and an assessment of important estuaries across the Marine Service domain
  • Assess the current state of land-ocean coupling interfaces and identify requirements for improved interfaces in a co-design process between hydrological, coastal, and ocean modelers

WP5 – Building, validation and demonstration of improved model interfaces in the Land - Ocean Continuum

Lead : CMCC

Assess and exploit the improvements of the hydrological models and land-ocean model interfaces (EBM and use of EMODnet near-real time data) in order to enable improved model-based monitoring and forecasting for the EU Copernicus Marine Service downscaled systems. 

Specific objectives of WP5 :

  • Test improved hydrological model production and land-ocean interfaces in a pre-operational setting consistent with TRL 5-6
  • Implement advanced post-processing of modelled freshwater inputs in order to align them with available observations
  • Compare Pan-European improved implementation of HYPE and LISFLOOD with regional hydrological models in selected regions to assess improvements in coastal interface in terms of river run-offs
  • Test improved EBM and best practices of using river run-off EMODnet near-realtime data to better connect hydrological models with ocean coastal models

WP6 – Implementation of new interfaces and methodologies in coastal systems

Lead : MET.NO

Design and implement improved connections between the member state coastal systems (MSCS) and relevant Copernicus Marine Services.New methodologies in MSCS production chains will be tested, taking advantage of stochastic simulation, ensemble approaches, andArtificial Intelligence technology. Last, new ocean observation operators will be implemented in order to utilise WP2-3 outputs.

Specific objectives of WP6 :

  • Enhance the quality and efficiency of CMEMS and MSCS by implementing production chains that better utilize CMEMS data in member state (MS) coastal systems
  • Set up processing chains that exploit new coastal ocean observations as well asnew and improved algorithms at various points along these chains.

WP7 – Coastal Modelling Systems - validation and demonstration

Lead : SHOM

Assess new methodologies implemented in WP6 and demonstrate their capabilities in an operational environment relevant to TRL5-6, implying short routes from research to operations if results are promising. In addition, added value of Member State Coastal Systems (MSCS) will be quantified, and impact assessments for new observations (WP2-3) will be made

Specific objectives of WP7 :

  • Test improved production chains and coastal modelling setups in a pre-operational setting (TRL 5-6)
  • Validate coastal systems to quantify added value to CMEMS products, with emphasis on metrics relevant to short term coastal ocean forecasts and use ofMSCS for decision support
  • Provide observation impact assessments from assimilative MSCS.

WP8 – Coastal Modelling Systems - validation and demonstration

Lead : CMCC

Design coastal applications able to demonstrate how to better address the selected ESCs compared to the state-of-the-art. Each application will consider the usage and show the value of observations (WP2) and models (WP4,6) improvements. Reference users communities are: climate, weather and marine services, ocean health and ocean changes.

Specific objectives of WP8 :

  • Demonstrate the usefulness of the advancement of the observing and modelling systems through the co-design of applications in support to MS requirements
  • Set up applications to manage and protect the coastal zone, support sustainable blue economy, and build resilience of the coastal zone

WP9 – Building, validation and demonstration of Coastal Applications

Lead : Deltares

Implement improvements, validate and demonstrate the applications designed in Phase 1 (WP8). A specific task will showcase the value of improvements and their benefit for MS and reference user communities (e.g., climate, weather and marine services, ocean health and ocean changes).

Specific objectives of WP9 :

  • Build, validate and demonstrate the applications in support to MS requirements
  • Asses the quality of Applications and gather feedback


WP10 – Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation planning; co-design and stakeholder engagement.

Lead : MOi

Implement the communication, dissemination, exploitation and stakeholder engagement activities of FOCCUS to maximize the impact of the project in WP11.

This will be achieved by : 

  • Designing and preparing the implementation of a detailed Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (CDE) Plan, including communication activities
  • Engaging key stakeholders from the onset of the project with the codesign of R&I activities, inventory of existing coastal systems operated for MS and involvement of the National Marine Stakeholder Forum
  • Define the conditions for exploitation of the projects elements with MS (including IPR)

WP11 – Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, Stakeholder Engagement - Full implementation.  Uptake in Copernicus Marine

Lead : MOi

Maximise the impact of the project through an effective campaign of communication, dissemination, exploitation and engagement activities to targeted audiences. This will be achieved by a full implementation of activities outlined in the CDE Plan (D10.1) and through the definition of the long-term exploitation of the project through a transfer toward the Copernicus Marine Service.

Specific objectives of WP11 :

  • Build upon WP10 to further promote the project itself and its results to targeted audiences and other relevant stakeholders
  • Maximise the visibility and shared benefits of the project
  • Maximise the integration of the project outcomes, products and services in Copernicus Marine
  • Maximise the project uptake, exploitation and impact by and for stakeholders

Work packages
