Forecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users

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Start date - End date

1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2026

Type of Action

Horizon Europe Research and Innovation


HEREON (Germany)


19 partners from 11 countries

About the project

The Horizon Europe FOCCUS project will specifically address and enhance the coastal extension of Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) to better serve coastal users and Member States.

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The ambitious vision of FOCCUS is to upgrade the coastal dimension of CMEMS to achieve aseamless monitoring and forecasting of the ocean from global to regional and coastal scales, by applying and improving state-of-the-art methods and through the development of new coastal products and capacity co-produced with MSCSs for an operational, fit-for-use coastalinformation service for Europe.
The main goal of FOCCUS is to improve and advance the coastal dimension of Copernicus Marine (CMEMS) and demonstrate a convincing leverage and coupling of CMEMS and Member States Coastal Services (MSCS) for advancing knowledge about the coastal environment and associated applications
Explore our objectives

FOCCUS has three core pillars of ambition

Pillar 1

To support the exploitation of next generation coastal INS and R/S data and link to hydrology

Pillar 2

To leverage the development and demonstration of the first seamless end-to-end pan-European operational coastal models co-produced by CMEMS and MCS using newtechnologies, digital innovations and facilities.

Pillar 3

To set the foundation of fully integrated Copernicus and MS coastal systems.

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